Animation segues into action movies...?
This week, host Stephen B. Platt is joined by special guests Nicola Brescianini and Maisie Kops as they review 'Pocahontas.' Listen in as they discuss Rivers, Racoons, and Ratcliffe.
This week, host Stephen B. Platt is joined by special guests Scott McArdle and Sam Knox as they review Christopher Nolan's second Batman film 'The Dark Knight.' Listen in as they discuss vigilantes, vendettas and vehicles with smaller vehicles inside.
This week, host Stephen B. Platt is joined by special guests Luke Jago and Aaron Vanderklay as they review the 1996 spy thriller 'Mission: Impossible' Listen in as they discuss the use of rubber masks, the best way to silently take out a rat, and the marvel that was the Internet in 1996.
This week, host Stephen B. Platt is joined by special guests Patrick Downes and Katrina Johnston as they review 'Mad Max: Fury Road.' Listen in as they discuss Furiosa, Feminism and the meaning of "Fang it!"
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Happy listening!